YHA Sydney Central is a big hostel with an even bigger heart for sustainability. Right in the heart of Sydney, you might spot some solar panels if you’re looking from above, and from participating in Earth Hour to being a proud member of the local tourism body – sustainability is more than recycling!

Energy Efficiency:
- Our fancy photovoltaic solar panel system generates part of our power needs… thanks sunshine!
- Promotion of public transport and free bike storage - the easiest ways to be eco-friendly
- Low energy and timed lighting: no need for lights on in empty rooms
- We offset any flights for work to keep our travel emissions low low low

Waste minimisation:
- Recycling stations in kitchens, common areas and office areas to recycle anything from printer cartridges or our 100% recycled paper, to tinnies of beer, soft plastics, clothes, batteries and plastic containers
- Eco-friendly cleaning products for shiny hostels and a happy earth
- Bulk-Buying our hostel products reduces a bunch of our packaging waste
- No single use in sight! We only sell reusable water bottles and coffee cups and have refill stations across the hostel
- Pick up a free shopping bag to reduce plastic waste, or help us pick up rubbish during Clean Up Australia Day

Water Saving Measures:
- Our toilets and showers are 5 star! Well, WELS 5 stars for water efficiency.
- Signage in bathrooms and kitchens encouraging guests to minimise water usage
- Waterless urinals sound a bit strange, but they save thousands of litres of water every year!