The 10 words that divide Australia
What do you call the thin layer of synthetic material that protects your modesty at the beach…
The golden disk of deep-fried deliciousness you might eat with your fish and chips at the beach in your togs/swimmers/cossies/bathers…
The culinary masterpiece that’s cooked up at footy grounds, family barbecues and Bunning’s carparks across the country…
That slice of mystery meat that goes beautifully with white bread and tomato sauce if you don’t feel like a sausage in bread/sausage sandwich…
The local store where you might pick up some Devon/Windsor/Belgium/German/fritz/polony/round meat…
The frozen treat you grab from the corner shop/milk bar/deli on a hot summer’s day?
The piece of playground equipment that can be a little dangerous if you’re all pepped up on ice blocks/icy poles…
The injury you cop if you fall off the slippery dip/slide and bump your head…
The thing in the playground that helps you wash that nosebleed/blood nose off your face…
The place in the schoolyard where you can buy a treat to make yourself feel better…
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