The 12 Types of Teacher
The Silencer
A lover of quiet, tranquil learning environments, the Silencer demands utter quiet from the class. Independent learning is the golden standard if you ask the Silencer, and those who break the serenity mid-lesson can expect a frosty glare, or worse – a silent finger point at the door.
The Foster Parent
Maybe their students are young, vulnerable or need a bit more love than usual, but rightly or wrongly this teacher tends to fill the role of a parent. Whether they're tying shoelaces, giving out consoling words or straight up packing kids' lunches, there aren't many teachers that'll be remembered more fondly by those they've taken under their wing.
The 'One of the kids'
When spotted on playground duty, this teacher is likely to have every single student they've ever taught calling out greetings to them, and has about a 50-50 chance of getting roped into a game of handball. Also most likely to be Facebook friends with their students once they've flown the nest.
The Enabler
The Enabler seems to get along swimmingly with the class clown (or maybe they ARE the class clown). Despite their best intentions, fart jokes still elicit a snigger from this overgrown kid, and by the time they get a hold of themselves and redirect the attention of the class to their work, the bell has already rung.
The Quirky
Academic proceedings don't need to be boring, and the Quirky takes great pleasure in bringing unconventional teaching methods to the classroom. Whether it's by game-ifying learning, turning everything into a song, a class 'talking stick', or some modern methodology from Scandinavia, the Quirky definitely doesn't worry about doing things by the book.
The End-of-Their-Tether
Rushing in at 9:05 with wet hair and crumpled clothes, this beleagured educator probably has a lot going on outside the classroom. Yes – it would appear some teachers find time for a life outside their job! The prospect of dealing with an uncooperative room full of little sh–I mean, angels, on top of a boatload of stress is turning out to be a strain.
The Coach
Probably attributable to the fact that he or she is, was or wanted to be an athlete or personal trainer at some point in life, this exuberant educator usually starts off as a PDHPE teacher, but often finds their way into other disciplines. Always bouncing on their heels, their fitness-centric clothing and tendency to turn class activities into 'drills' sort of give them away as well.
The Softie
This gentle soul dutifully turns up to work every day and is usually well-liked by students. Whether or not the class actually does any work under their stewardship is beside the point. The Softie's heart is too pure to deal out punishments, and sadly, the class knows it, resulting in everything from unproductive lessons to pure anarchy. Something of a polar opposite to the Disciplinarian.
The 'I AM the Law'
Perhaps not in the right career, this pedagogical megalomaniac gets a kick from the autocratic rule they exact over their classroom kingdom. Sometimes prone to arbitrary decisions or unconventional methods, this teacher makes the rules at school and they know it. Woe betide students who question the status quo within their domain...
The Debater
One of the cleverest staff members at the school, the Debater enjoys nothing more than identifying students with some intellectual curiousity and spending 90% of the lesson going back and forth with them about the topic. It's great, enriching fun for all involved, and the students that aren't can at least get a bit of chat in with their friends.
The Disciplinarian
A true authoritarian, the Disciplinarian takes grim satisfaction in maintaining absolute obedience from their students by ruling with an iron fist. Love them or hate them, their methods seem to get results. Probably bullies the Softie in the staff room.
The Nurturer
In many ways, the ideal teacher. At great personal sacrifice, the Nurturer pours their heart and soul into drawing out the potential of their students, tending to them like a gardener with their prized daffodils. Though they may not know it at the time, the students of this dedicated individual are very lucky indeed, and will probably draw on wisdoms gleaned from these formative years for the rest of their lives.