New Years resolutions for the mindful traveller
Travel more
We’d be kidding ourselves if this wasn’t #1 on the list of resolutions. Get outside, get exploring, pack a bag and go!
Thankfully, it’s pretty easy to take a cheeky weekender when there’s plenty of YHA properties across Australia. Whether you’re up for a stay-cation just outside your own city or want to pack a road trip into your weekend, we’re all about embracing the overnight adventures as well as the epic treks.
Face your fears
New year, new reason to get over that fear that still gets your heart racing. Gather your courage and dive in the deep end – literally!
How does cage diving with sharks sound? What about swimming with crocs, or sleeping in a prison? Are you sweating nervously already? Ready to launch yourself out of a plane with nothing but a parachute? This is the year!
No matter how nervous you may get, no matter the questions and even feeling like you want to back out, now’s the time to be brave and we pinky-promise you won’t regret it. So, what fear are you conquering?
Meet new people
The big perk about co-living is that starting up a conversation is a whole lot easier. Start cooking up a storm in the kitchen and see how long it takes before someone asks what you’re cooking, or break out the playing cards in the living area for some instant fun.
Get out and into it with your fellow travellers at our activities and events held at our properties. There’s pub crawls, pizza nights, ping pong tournaments, cocktail happy hours and coastal walks all organised for you… all you need to do is show up.
So what’s your excuse? Get mingling and see what happens!
Live greener
It’s a no brainer, travelling and living sustainably is super important. Thankfully even the little changes can make a big difference! Pick up a reusable coffee cup and water bottle to remove up to 14 bottles and cups ending up in the bin each week and go meat free for a day to shrink your carbon footprint by almost two tonnes a year!
New to all things sustainable? We’re here to help out! Our properties are committed to sustainability; from solar power, recycling stations, water saving taps and toilets, and a whole lot more! It's easy do good and feel good while you travel.
Stay at one of our eco-certified YHAs to help make a big difference while discovering some of Australia’s most beautiful hidden locations and support sustainable initiatives whilke you sleep!
Save your money
What are you saving up for this year? A house? A car? A round-the-world ticket?
Travel doesn’t have to stop to make it all happen, and those mini-holidays can help keep you inspired to continue saving those coins for those big dreams of yours.
No matter your budget, our properties are here to help you discover new locations and new adventures, and if you end up wanting to just pack up and set sail, well, we’ve got a tour to help you out there too.
We’ve written the resolutions... the next step, it’s on you – are you ready?